Wang Yue was silent for a while and finally said, "Who am I? I’m Wang Yue? Yes, I am Wang Yue! "

Wang Yue said to Zhou Zhiruo, "Sister, you should treat me as your brother."
After that, Wang Yueyou said to the girl in the yellow shirt, "Miss Yang, let’s go on as usual. I also want to thank you for those martial arts secrets in the ancient tomb."
After Zhang Sanfeng sent Zhu Yuanzhang back to Nanjing, Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhang Sanfeng, "Zhang Zhenren, thank you for saving your life. Wudang Taoist Temple is very old. Why don’t I ask the Ministry of Industry to build another one in wu-tang clan Taoist Temple?"
Zhang Sanfeng nodded. "In that case, the road is very sophisticated. Thank you for your kindness. I want the emperor to let the Ministry of Industry come to Wudang Mountain. I can solve it myself by building Wudang Taoist Temple."
Zhang Sanfeng is really not good at maintaining Taoist temples. Zhu Yuanzhang promised to let the Ministry of Industry build Wudang Mountain. He was naturally happy.
The wu-tang clan Chamber of Commerce has also made a lot of money in recent years. After the Taoist temple is built, it can pay for itself without the court’s appropriation.
Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Well, I’ll let the Ministry of Industry go to Wudang Mountain as soon as possible."
Zhang Sanfeng, whom Zhu Yuanzhang flattered, didn’t want to get along with Wudang, but wanted wu-tang clan to suppress Excalibur Villa. When the contradiction between Wudang and Excalibur Villa reached irreconcilable, Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Yue would fight to the death.
Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t believe that one mountain can make two tigers and one Wulin impossible. Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Yue, two peerless strong men, were bound to have World War I.
Of course, if Zhu Yuanzhang can restore martial arts and solve Wang Yue, he still hopes to do it himself.
Zhu Yuanzhang sat alone in the imperial room with a decadent look in his eyes. Just now, he asked the best physician in the court to see his own injury. Otherwise, it’s okay to take good care of it and it will heal, but there is no way to repair it in Dantian.
"The Emperor Liu Bowen is coming," an eunuch said to Zhu Yuanzhang at the door.
Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Let him in."
After Liu Bowen came in, Zhu Yuanzhang asked, "You also know the situation of loving Qing and I don’t know if you can restore my martial arts?"
Zhu Yuanzhang’s martial arts cultivation was handed over by Liu Bowen. He thought that Liu Bowen should have a way to restore his martial arts.
But Liu Bowen let Zhu Yuanzhang down
Liu Bowen shook his head and said, "Emperor, you practice this martial arts because I got it by chance. The martial arts function can only be practiced successfully if you are pregnant with a dragon spirit, and it can be the emperor’s practice to restore the minister in the abdomen. There is no way to do this. You need to find a doctor."
Zhu Yuanzhang one leng asked "what did you say? I practice this door god function only for the emperor to practice? Doesn’t that mean that our emperors can’t practice? "
Liu Bowen nodded, "Exactly. That’s why Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, was so powerful that all the martial arts experts were frightened. However, every generation of emperors in the post-Song Dynasty was very weak. If every emperor could practice this magical power, the Song Dynasty would not die."
Zhu Yuanzhang finally sighed and said, "I know Liu Aiqing, you go."
Liu Bowen saluted, "It’s a long way for me."
Zhu Yuanzhang waited for Liu Bowen to leave before he hated and said, "Wang Yue, Wang Yue, you actually abolished my martial arts and let me restore my martial arts. I’m really unwilling, but you don’t want to be better than me. You and Zhang Sanfeng will always die, and it’s best to die together!"
Although there were not many people watching the world war in Excalibur Mountain Villa, the news still got out.
Zhu Yuanzhang was defeated by Wang Yue, the "sword god", and his martial arts were abolished. Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang saved his life when Zhang Sanfeng appeared.
This is great news.
Zhu Yuanzhang’s martial arts were abolished. Naturally, those martial arts factions, especially those without great masters, were most happy.
Even the arrogance of the Royal Guards has been restrained, which is a good thing for local officials.
Shenjian mountain villa
"Master has news" Liu Shimin rushed into the hall and said to Wang Yue.
Wang Yue said "Say"
Liu Shimin said, "Master Zhu Yuanzhang and wu-tang clan don’t know what agreement they have reached, but they have arranged a lot of craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry to build Taoist temples for Wudang. You know, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been at odds with Wulin, and now the court has been mixed up with wu-tang clan. It’s incredible."
Wang Yue thought with a smile on his mouth and said, "I think I guess Zhu Yuanzhang planned Zhu Yuanzhang to lose his martial arts. He wanted to start a fight between Excalibur Villa and Wudang. It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to borrow Zhang Sanfeng’s hand to get rid of me or borrow my hand to get rid of Zhang Sanfeng."
Chapter 32 Family Boxing Founder
After the repair of Wudang Taoist Temple, the whole wu-tang clan has taken on a new look, and finally it has the appearance of a martial arts master. Looking at Wudang Mountain, Song Yuanqiao and others are very happy that wu-tang clan’s image is good and they are willing to see it.
Zhang Sanfeng returned to Wudang Mountain and studied Wang Yue’s boxing.
When Wang Yue and Zhu Yuanzhang fought, Zhang Sanfeng was surprised to see the last few moves in the dark, and he and Tai Ji Chuan all had some similarities.
Although Zhang Sanfeng and Tai Ji Chuan are somewhat different from those martial arts in Wulin, they are fighting slowly and riding quickly, but in the end, Tai Ji Chuan still cultivates the true qi.
Wang Yue’s family boxing didn’t show the slightest true spirit, but the powerful dark strength was still stronger than that.
"What is Wang Yue’s last boxing skill?" Zhang Sanfeng secretly pondered while imitating Wang Yue’s martial arts.
Family boxing has never seen martial arts in this world. Zhang Sanfeng thinks that if he can thoroughly study Wang Yue’s boxing, he may be able to break through the realm of great masters and reach a new level.
"Master, it’s time to eat."
Zhang Sanfeng was silent in martial arts for a whole day, and it was only after Yin Liting called him that he came to his senses.
Zhang Sanfeng looked at Yin Liting and said with a smile, "It turned out to be a pear pavilion. Yes, it’s time for dinner. How time flies when it’s so late."
Zhang Sanfeng and Yin Liting walked to Wudang dining room.
"Pear Pavilion, is your wife still blaming me for not killing Zhu Yuanzhang to avenge her father?" Zhang Sanfeng suddenly asked.
Yang Buhui was very unhappy after learning that Zhang Sanfeng had accepted the imperial court’s building of Wudang Taoist Temple, and he was always in a mood.
Zhu Yuanzhang is the murderer who killed her father Yang Xiao, and now wu-tang clan is actually mixed up with Zhu Yuanzhang, which makes Yang Buhui very unhappy.
Speaking of Yang Buhui Yin Liting, he smiled awkwardly. "Master, don’t blame you for not regretting that she is just a child with a bad temper."
Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "Master Li Ting made friends with Zhu Yuanzhang. Even you wonder what this is. It is no good for Wudang to be a Wulin Sect and the enemy of the whole imperial court. Now Zhu Yuanzhang’s martial arts have been abolished. This is a revenge."
"By the way, after dinner, the teacher will go to Excalibur Villa."
Zhang Sanfeng decided to go to Excalibur Mountain Villa to find Wang Yue, hoping to get the practice of family boxing. After all, you can’t be careless when you go to Zhang Sanfeng martial arts, even if you give up your face and ask Wang Yue.