





1. 选材:大洗桑拿鸡选用的是优质的土鸡,这种鸡肉质鲜嫩,营养丰富。

2. 清洗:将土鸡清洗干净,去除杂质,保证鸡肉的口感。

3. 桑拿:将清洗干净的土鸡放入特制的桑拿箱中,进行蒸煮。桑拿箱内温度控制在80℃左右,让鸡肉充分吸收桑拿箱中的蒸汽,使其更加鲜嫩。

4. 烹饪:将蒸煮好的土鸡取出,切成块状,放入秘制的酱料中腌制。酱料由多种香料和调料调配而成,味道鲜美。

5. 炒制:将腌制好的鸡肉放入锅中,加入蔬菜、豆腐等配料,用大火快速翻炒,使食材充分吸收酱料的味道。


1. 麻辣鲜香:大洗桑拿鸡选用的是重庆特色辣椒和花椒,使得菜品麻辣鲜香,令人食欲大增。

2. 鲜嫩多汁:经过桑拿蒸煮的鸡肉,肉质鲜嫩多汁,入口即化。

3. 配料丰富:大洗桑拿鸡的配料多样,有蔬菜、豆腐、木耳等,营养丰富,美味可口。









1. 环境优雅,独具匠心

2. 专业服务,品质保证

3. 针对性服务,满足个性化需求



1. 价格亲民,服务优质

2. 项目多样,满足不同需求

3. 良心价格,物超所值



The first gods were killed by the jade bodhi old zu in ancient times. Where can we find them at this time?

"Billion Terran, I Terran, how many sentient beings are in total? If we lose tens of billions, we are afraid to be depressed." With a sigh, we are swaying.
"So I didn’t come to you, you go and tell the ancestors that the Terran was born extinct! It would be great if you could cooperate with your ancestors. You are too lazy to fight. "
Chapter 224 Booming to visit Terran
After listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, there is an impulse to spray old blood on him. Do you want to slaughter the Terran and need the cooperation of many ancestors? Still shameless? It’s wishful thinking!
"SIRS godfather if there is a ray of conscience will never allow it" looked at jade Duxiu shook his head.
"The fiend resurrects the world and destroys the Terran, but it is still dead. It is better to take this opportunity to cut off the fiend’s residual soul. Although it is damaged, it can also be guaranteed." Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu looked at it. "When I gave my ancestors a hundred years, the number of Terrans increased by four times, and the terran foundation was not shaken."
"Hung-chun!" Tai Su’s ancestor came in from outside the world and looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "You’ve changed your mind. You’re so heartless now. Are you still you?"
"Terran ancestors have sinned against you, but Terran sentient beings are guilty and must be buried by tens of billions of sentient beings." Tai Su’s eyes staring at Jade Duxiu’s black and white seems to be able to see through people’s hearts
"I think you’re wrong. Killing the Terran is not about me, but about the world. Chaos is the first thing for the fiend clan. Once the fiend clan is resurrected, conan the destroyer will make heaven and earth return to chaos. Then everyone will die. In this case, don’t sacrifice part of the Terran to protect the whole world."
"This is not the only way. You must have another way." Tai Su’s godfather stared at Yu Duxiu intensely.
"But this is the easiest way. I don’t have time to go to great lengths to protect all beings. For me, it’s just a reincarnation of the world in the race of all beings." Jade Duxiu walked towards the outside world in a black robe. "You should know that the will of the Terran is as strong as iron once it is cut off."
"Your plan won’t succeed. My ancestors won’t allow me and you won’t allow you to slaughter Terran." Tai Su looked at Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu turned around and looked at Tai Su’s ancestor Tai Su, who was dressed in white. Tai Su’s air purified the sky, and the holiness ratio seemed to be the holiest thing in the world, and all beings were polluted except me.
"If you can come up with a way to break the fiend’s identity, you will also be allowed! I will never stop you from doing this in my way if you can’t figure it out. I will call Amitabha, Qitian Buddha, Yuan, The Hunger and Jade to discuss it. I’m not an arbitrary person. You should know me. "
With that, Jade Duxiu walked out of the whirlwind world and disappeared.
"Hung-chun is crazy!" Tai Su’s ancestor’s eyes flashed with a palpitation. "This matter must be greeted before the ancestors, otherwise once the Terran is on guard, it will inevitably fall into a passive position."
"Hung-chun, since I entrusted this matter to me, I’ll go there myself." Swinging up, I turned the streamer into a large array of stars on Terran Sunday.
Terran stars on Sunday whirled out of the large array to show his figure. Looking at the large array of stars on the heavens, he gently sighed "whirled to see all the Taoist friends."
"How can a friend of the whirlwind return to the Terran as a guest?" Taiping’s ancestor started to tear a corner of the array of stars on Sunday, so that the channel could see the array of stars moving slowly.
Stepping into the large array of stars in the heavens, looking at the middle of the sitting star, the godfather sat in the middle of the whole galaxy, and the godfather sighed gently.
"Brother Whirlwind, please sit down and sigh, I don’t know." Tai Huang Jiao Zukou asked.
"Terran eventful autumn" with a wry smile.
Listening to the whirlwind, several godparents suddenly hitched a pair of eyes and looked at the whirlwind ancestor. "But what happened?"
"I don’t know where to start" soaring silence for a while.
"Don’t worry, let’s start from scratch. We don’t lack the most." It’s too easy to teach our ancestors.
After watching Taiyi’s ancestor whirl in silence for a while, he said, "Hongjun found chaotic creatures in chaos."
"Life in chaos?" Several godparents are surprised that Qi Qi is in the midst of chaos. That should be waiting for a long time, waiting for a strong terrorist.
"Don’t worry, everyone. Those creatures in chaos have fallen and I don’t know what power killed them," said the whirlwind
Listening to the whirlwind words, many ancestors breathed a sigh of relief. Even if it is better than hearing that they have lived in chaos for a long time, they are still afraid. Sometimes the length of life represents capital.
"ah! Really now that you’re dead, why are you making such a fuss? "Tai Yuan’s ancestor complained.
With a wry smile, "But now the ghost of the dead chaotic fiend has to be reborn in the world and wants to go against the sky!"
Hearing this news, several godparents almost got up in shock. The founder of Taiyi said, "The creatures in chaos should wait for the ancients to endure their resurrection. If the creatures in chaos are resurrected and grow in the world, there will be chaos. If the fish land, it will inevitably launch a world war. Isn’t this world going to be out of order? You can’t stand these fiend remnants growing up. "
"That is, of course, this Hung-chun had a countermeasure to divide the demon race and create a magic trick to condense the ghost of heaven and earth. Now the twelve fiends are about to complete the chaos fiend, and the hundreds of millions of magic protoss departments have also absorbed several fiends’ ghost to slay the fiend clan, which can eliminate the future trouble of chaos fiend."
Look at the grandfathers and observe the reaction of the grandfathers.
Taiping’s ancestor nodded when he heard this. "It’s really killing two birds with one stone that Hong Jun’s great talent can not only eliminate the hidden danger of chaotic fiend but also consume the demon clan’s luck."
"yes! Not bad! Hung-chun, this person is really smart. "Tai Dou’s ancestor also nodded and praised him.
Seeing all the grandfathers nodding their heads in praise, I felt bitter in my mouth and smoke in my heart. "If you knew about Hung-chun’s plan, you wouldn’t say so."
"Ahem" rocked and coughed. I watched the grandfathers attract the grandfathers’ eyes and crustily skin of head. "Hongjun asked me to tell the Taoist friends one thing."
"What is it?" Tai yuan jiao zu Dao
"Hung-chun told many Taoist friends to breed Terrans in a hundred years" with a wry smile.
SIRS ancestor is qi qi one leng at this.
"Do you think the old guys of Terran will react if they know that I have set my eyes on Terran?" Jade Duxiu looked at the jade and The Hunger opposite.
The Hunger eyes going round and round "Hongjun we really want to Terran hand this time? We can all come out of the Terran. "
"Isn’t it worthwhile to sacrifice the Terran into the whole world?" Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger lightly, and The Hunger was willies.
The Hunger gave a quick laugh at the jade bodhi old zu, saying, "If you can go on the rampage, you will be cramped, skinned, bruised and ashes, and maybe you will be in the Jade Mountain for a moment, and you will settle accounts!"
"Not necessarily! Chaos fiend hidden trouble if you can’t clear the day after tomorrow will not be better than maybe SIRS ancestor will think about sending troops to help demon race against fiend gens maybe. "The Hunger said with a smile.
"It’s impossible" Jade Duxiu shook his head very decisively and firmly. "It’s absolutely impossible for SIRS to see that the demon clan fiend clan, which is both lose-lose, will never get involved in it."
"Don’t all the ancestors choose to sacrifice millions of Terrans?" The Hunger surprised way
Jade Duxiu smiled. "You’ll know the result when you come to Yujingshan."
It didn’t take Yu Duxiu long to wait, but he felt that the earth-shattering qi machine broke out from the wild land and went straight to the sky to shake the fetal membranes of the world and shoot them out of the world.
Several strong men looked at the earth-shattering wolf fiend and smashed their tongues. "What actually provoked the old Terran guy to get so angry!"
Chapter 225 Godfather Choice

Therefore, Jiao Fei didn’t even want to audition for the newly-developed Black Water Truth Method. He immediately changed the Tianhe Dharma. The spiral Tianhe in the abdomen seemed to have poor waves, and Jiao Fei tried his best to suppress it. It seemed that this Tianhe in the abdomen was going to soar, and he wanted to invest in the milky way of heaven. He also had many years of practice, and his mind was stable and unyielding, and he gradually suppressed Jiao Fei. He found that the spiral Tianhe in the abdomen seemed to echo each other with a certain force in heaven.

A sense of enlightenment rose in his mind, knowing that this was the trillion-dollar gate in the too-induced article. Every family and every faction practiced differently at this time. After all, every family practiced differently, and the machine of heaven and earth was also different. Jiao Fei practiced the Tianhe Dharma and realized that the source of heaven and earth was the vast side of the Milky Way in the Tianxing Star. Thousands of rivers wound like spirals, and the river was a dollar of heavy water.
In fact, the Tianhe Dharma is difficult to repair not only because the foundation is difficult, but also because it is extremely difficult to understand the heavens and the earth. On that day, the Milky Way was hundreds of millions of miles away, and the Yuan generation would never travel from the earth to Tianhe without a long journey of 20 years. It is more difficult to understand the vitality of the surging Tianhe and connect it with each other than to understand the five elements of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon and the stars!
It’s also Jiao Fei’s rich accumulation and the foundation of the black water truth that he has such an opportunity in a few years.
On that day, the galaxy was scattered with brilliance, and it was very weak when it reached the earth hundreds of millions of miles away. However, after all, the middle stream of the galaxy was a dollar of heavy water, and it was rain and snow. At this time, the sea was a storm and rain madness, which helped Jiao Fei’s arm.
Jiao Fei absorbed all the orifices in the whole body and attracted heaven and earth endlessly. The innate water essence suddenly passed through the celestial spirit. Jiao Fei hardly refined this essence and turned half a drop of one-yuan heavy water. This situation made Jiao Fei overjoyed. He suddenly opened his eyes. After the black water was cultivated to the third level, the black water was more powerful, and Jiao Fei captured the most precious touch of heaven and earth at this time.
He saw that there were several primordial qi generators in the heavens and the earth, and these primordial qi were different, which represented the various sources of chaos from the beginning of heaven and earth. However, there were thousands of primordial qi, and for flying, there was also a kind of energy that matched his hands, and he divided himself into holes all over his body. Suddenly, a force was born to breathe freely, and a small world was formed in it. In this world, there was Tianhe Dharma magic that could unblock obstacles.
Chapter 21 Induction
Jiao Fei stretched out his hand and pointed to the sea, and then he jumped out of the sea, and one tail penetrated the loach. These too-true loaches turned into seven changes, and the sea water summoned by the dragon tactic condensed into loach vividly.
"Give it to me!"
Thunderbolt and deep-fried sea water churned.
In the door, the induction of heaven and earth and the sword are always linked together. Jiao Fei has no flying sword, but these sea-water condensed loaches can be used by him as flying swords to audition for Xinda’s third-layer induction environment. Of course, the sea-water condensed loach is not as good as fine steel’s sword, but it is driven by Jiao Fei’s earth mana to blow things up. Although this move is not as flexible as the sword control, it is necessary to fly with endless mana. This true water loach will constantly drill and explode the enemy’s defense.
However, this spell is not a chicken rib for Jiao Fei. The power of the big table is not bad among monks in the third layer of refining gas. However, the enemy encountered by Jiao Fei is rare. This series is more refined gas. Suddenly Jiao Fei feels funny. It seems that his mana has entered a layer instead.
Walking along the road of immortality is lonely, and people are cheering around, because no one knows whether a peerless genius on the ninth floor who can refine gas in 50 years will fall in the middle of the road, and no one knows whether a Taoist priest on the first and second floors who can refine gas in 500 years will suddenly have a brainwave and make rapid progress to become a god.
If an article is well done, it will be full of splendor and will last forever; It’s a great story in history that a martial arts battlefield makes a contribution and a wife is sealed, but the monk didn’t get there. The last step of refining gas is also the first step of longevity. Everything was amazing, everything was arrogant and everything was false. This road has come to an end, and all efforts are made to seek eternity after that moment.
Stepping in the wind and rain, even though the sea storm is crazy, there is a feeling that Fiona Fang himself is the master of the outside world. Even if the power of heaven and earth is strong, he can’t invade his little world. At this moment, Jiao Fei’s heart is crystal clear and harmonious, and he doesn’t ask for it.
The sea storm hit hard like a downpour, but suddenly a layer of water curtain softened in Jiaofei’s head, and slowly flowed to cover the boy in Jiaofei. Without moving half a finger, all the movements of the hundred steps could be collected in his heart. Now his dantian is like a whirlpool, whether it is a heavy rain in the sky or a desert island, or even a distant Tianhe, if it is naturally watery, it will be continuously thrown into the dantian. In which spiral Tianhe, this Tianhe extends out of thousands of tributaries, but each tributary is clearly divided, and thousands of tributaries are gathered in order.
The spiral Tianhe, which is gathered by one yuan of heavy water, is now like a huge hole at the bottom, hungry and thirsty, sucking the most full of true water and essence in the world.
The third layer of gas refining induction is different from other gas refining realms. It is necessary to grasp it in a flash, and then never catch it. Maybe there is still a chance once. Maybe this moment is hard to find in this life. This layer of kung fu has passed the repair and abnormal cover. Because other layers of gas refining kung fu are gradually induced, this step is too much but only a moment. This layer of gas refining kung fu in heaven and earth became the Tianhe Dharma, and the power suddenly rose silently. For three or four hours, the Tianhe in the abdomen was no longer able to accept the real water and the essence of heaven and earth, and it was scorched before the mana was collected.
Guarding around the desert island, Jiao Shili’s copper heart and boating are the potential depths of the sea. Both Clam XI and Mu En have sensed the change of Jiao Fei’s body. Except Clam XI, these monsters are all in Jiao Fei, but at the moment, these monsters are all in focus and bow down, because only one of them is qualified to win immortality.
Jiao Fei doesn’t need to deliberately transport mana, and the storm automatically avoids him. In the storm, he also shows a sense of leisure. Looking up at the wind and rain all over the sky, the boy is more eager to go to Heifeng Island.
Jiao Shili looked at the dark sigh heart way. "It was the authentic door. When I induced heaven and earth, how could I have such mana?" Who will listen if he doesn’t carry a demon, wind, frost, rain and snow? Even if the demon force is transported, it will be rough. Many people don’t follow the "copper heart" like this. There are also some regrets. He got Jiao Fei to help the body. The essence of Rise of the Legend Yuan copper has been refined and gradually settled. However, although he was born as a monster, he was endowed with talent and realized that the road was poor. Although he taught the method in accordance with his aptitude, he was not really in the door.
Copper heart’s eyes are diabolical, and you will know that Jiao Fei’s practice method makes him play a more vigorous role than others in the initial stage. Although Jiao Fei is the third level of refining gas, the monks in the door are not as good as him. If the refining brothers are poor, they will be weaker than him.
Although the origins of these two great hands are somewhat strange, they are all first-class people in the demon clan. How could Jiao Shili fall into Jiao Fei’s hands if the Sixth Dragon King didn’t deliberately press him down a peg or two to humiliate him and show kindness again? If it weren’t too easy for a real person to send a copper heart, it would be more than enough to be a Jiaofei master. Whether it’s seniority or mana or age, it’s better than this yellow-faced teenager. But at the moment, Jiao Shili and Copper Heart can’t complain about the minister in Jiaofei’s hands.
Jiao Fei grabbed it gently, and there was a real water loach condensed by his seven-turn-seven-change dragon tactic just now. Those loaches automatically jumped into the palm of their hands, and those who couldn’t get his mana to continue to support them would all become seawater again.
The young Taoist smiled gently and went out with a clear sound.
"Guests, it turns out that I just have something important to do, but I still hope to forgive you! Honorable guests, please show up. "
Jiao Feikou refers to the real water loach in the palm of his hand, which turned into a white wave and flew out for miles. Suddenly, it was blown over from the sea. A mermaid named Jiao Shili and Tong Xin had already discovered that there were creatures nearby, but they knew that it was very important for Jiao Fei to leave them alone in the science of uniting, and they wouldn’t pay attention to it until Jiao Fei made a move to Jiao Shili, and then he drank a suit and transported the mermaid with a fist from a distance.
This mermaid is different from Jiao Ren in scale, fine skin and tender black hair. Unlike Jiao Ren women, all of them have golden wavy hair. Jiao Ren women’s shells cover their breasts. This mermaid is wearing a green dress made of aquatic plants. She was blown out by Jiao Fei, a real water loach, and her lips were closed and her breasts were tight. Obviously, she was frightened and fainted with three points of shyness.
Jiao Shili looked at Jiaofeifei for a while and reported, "It’s a mermaid, a thirteen-family pearl fish, who is kind but extremely curious. It’s estimated that after seeing our group’s weirdness, they swam around and peeped!"
Jiao Fei laughed. "Let her go now that it’s harmful!"
He slowly stepped on the waves and clam eleven was busy floating the sea urchin in the water to pick up his master’s boat. The copper heart was the most intolerant of wind and rain. He jumped with Jiao Fei and got on the boat. Ten forces reached out and pressed the input word between the eyes of this pearl fish Terran girl. He whispered in the past, "My master’s heart is kind enough to let you go, so don’t follow me, or we monsters can be caught badly. It’s not so easy to get away."
Jiao Shili turned his head and jumped into the boat, ignoring the Terran girl who regained consciousness. The girl said that she would be lucky to be fainted by Jiaofei, so she regretted that she was so impatient with curiosity. But after taking off the Terran girl with Pearl fish behind her, she was more curious and patient for a moment. When she turned over and jumped into the sea, she followed the sea dolphin.

"I don’t know if I live or die!"

Xiya’s eyes are malicious and complete, and his hands hold the long glass knife and he gives a good chop!
Su Mo punches a punch.
At the same time, a huge monster beast loomed in the rolling surge behind him.
This seems to be a bloody butterfly.
Butterfly wings depict two bright full moons like a pair of indifferent eyes.
Su Mo punched out.
The bloody butterfly did not move, and its wings flashed like a full moon.
A powerful force poured into Sumo’s body and exploded instantly along his fist!
With an earth-shattering noise, Su Mo’s fists with long knives collided together.
Xiya’s look changed again and again, and there was a trace of panic and fear in the depths of her eyes!
In the eyes of the public, the long glass knife smashed in the hands of Xiya!
Colorful glow collapses
The vision of Xiya then collapsed completely!
Xiya was shocked like a lightning strike, and a salty throat could not help spitting out a pool of blood.
Beijiao Tianjiao is in an uproar and discolors.
Everyone saw that the genie of Shenhuang Island was desperate and would fall at any time, but I didn’t know that this person suddenly broke out and broke the vision of Xiya then!
In the blink of an eye, the situation has reversed!
Although Su Mo’s looming bloody butterfly has disappeared.
But without the protection of then vision, Xiya is by no means demonizing Su Mo’s opponent!
Su Mo stretched out the palm of the cattail leaf fan to cover the sun and pressed it hard before striding!
Xi Ya can raise his arm to resist if he doesn’t dodge.

But this thing is expensive. In the valuable market, tempering is mostly difficult to buy.

This time, it’s the turn of the fixer in Room 77 to speak.
There was no sound after a long time.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Just then, there was an arrogant laugh in Room 10. A real person dressed in a red robe then walked out and looked at Room 77 with gloomy eyes and sneered, "If the old things can’t hold on, don’t hold on. Even if I give you an ethereal peak, no one can understand it!"
I heard that Sue ink heart doubt again.
Sure enough, the door of No.77 was hit with a bang. An old man with a gray hair and unkempt appearance came out angrily and looked at the red-robed man and asked, "Sima Zhi, you have a hard time with me, right?" You’re really hot, so you don’t lack this kind of tempering. What do you want from me? "
"I like it."
Sima Zhi smiled smugly.
"You …" Bad old man was speechless.
Sima Zhi carefree way "old thing four hundred thousand LingShi ah you take it out? Look at your poverty, huh? I’m afraid you’re going to sell iron? "
The bad old man was livid.
As Sima Zhi said, there are more than 300,000 lingshi in his bag, which was the first place to join the other four peaks before coming.
He dared to call out 400,000 Lingshi, which really put all his valuables on the surface.
It’s not himself, but his brother Sumo!
Since last year, the bad old man has been wandering around in various auction houses to buy a tempering technique.
Su Mo has been able to forge a spirit device for a long time, but he has been stuck in tempering this one-step breakthrough.
Although the mouth doesn’t say anything, the bad old man always feels sorry for Su Mo’s waves in his heart. This child has a talent for refining devices.
It’s hard to meet this tough old man today, so he won’t let go.
But I didn’t expect to kill a real fire master Ma Zhi halfway!
The true fire gate is the strongest alchemist among the five major doors. For example, there is no shortage of true fire gate roots for this kind of tempering.
Now Sima Zhi keeps asking for the price, the purpose of which is not to let the bad old man get this ancient!
"Is the old man right by me?"
Sima Zhi smiled and said, "Go home and don’t come out and make a fool of yourself!"
Many practitioners in the workshop are looking at this scene and pointing fingers.
The bad old man looked ugly and trembled with anger, but he tried to refute it
In Room 1, Sumo suddenly got up and looked at Gu Xi and asked, "Can the chief manager lend me some lingshi?"
"What do you want to borrow if you want to shoot this ancient direct bid?" Gu Xi seemed to have expected that this scene was a smile and his hands crossed in front of him and said casually.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-nine I like it
"But …"
Gu Xi (turned and pointed to the pink skirt girl and said, "You have to accompany her to a place to protect her for weeks."
This ancient price of tempering has now been called the price of 400,000 lingshi.
And cherish the implication of this sentence is equivalent to giving away 400 thousand lingshi at a higher price, which is hard to imagine!
This also proves that this place in Gu Xi’s mouth is by no means a good place!
"I’m a preconditions for early to choose me? I’m afraid this girl’s strength is still with me? " Sue ink silence a little asked 1.
Gu Xi did not answer the rhetorical question, "I heard that your melee skills are good?"
Sue ink frowned.
There are not many adults who know that he is strong in melee. I don’t know where this pity got the news.
Su Mo’s eyes fell on the girl’s face in pink skirt.
The girl in pink skirt is veiled and there is a smile in her eyes, and she can’t see anything.
Su Mo hesitated and nodded "OK"
Gu Xi smiled. "There is something special about that place. You will know it when you go there."
Su Mo didn’t promise to cherish or let go and refused to disclose too much.
In fact, even if you don’t talk about Su Mo, you realize that this trip must be extremely dangerous!
You know, 400,000 Lingshi is more than enough to buy 40 monks’ lives.
Pondering over a little Sumo nodded, "OK, I promise you!"
"Refreshing!" Cherish fondle palm praise a.
Gu Xi slightly raised his eyebrows and entered the secret. The maid came to Su Mo with a smile and asked, "If Su Daoyou wants to increase the price, please tell me and I will help you."
This kind of treatment is only available in the tenth room, so that even the guest’s voice will not be exposed and it will not cause trouble
You know, in the auction house, many people who shoot things and fix things are most worried that their identity will be exposed and attract others’ eyes.
That’s the reason why a man is guilty of carrying a bag.
Looking at Sima Zhi and the bad old man in the workshop, many people are talking in private.

Sakura Road "Yes"

From this day on, Fusang Wulin fell into a panic.
So many martial arts masters have not died in Japan since Nobunobu Oda was born in those days.
Igaliu Baidi Santaifu, also known as Baidi Danbo, was a local tyrant stationed in He Ye, Iraq, and was defeated by Nobuo Oda and Iga Pacifier in the ghost village.
This is a life-long weaver who fought against Japan to the end.
But in this way, a living ninja actually died.
He was not killed by ninja’s most frequent assassination, but by someone fair and square.
When he died, it was not night, but bright day.
On that day, Taifu Baidi’s home was full of cherry blossoms, and he was drinking at home with his favorite concubines.
A distant bamboo flute or a few meows.
There are also knocks outside the courtyard.
Doctor Baidisantai has killed thousands of people in his life, and he is afraid of ghosts and gods.
He was brave enough to walk up the gate without fear.
Outsiders are more wild cats.
When Baidisantaifu looked back, he saw an extra Taoist in white in the courtyard.
Don’t ask him, everyone knows that the other party is coming to kill him.
This is an intuition born from thousands of life and death trials.
No one has dared to challenge him these years, but I didn’t expect anyone to show up aboveboard.
He is now a patriarch. In fact, to deal with this white Taoist, he can call his hand to catch this bold white Taoist.
He didn’t do it because he felt that his opponent was so powerful that he had to do it himself.
He even gave birth to a feeling that by killing him, he could break through the long-stagnant realm of martial arts and get a glimpse of the inexplicable heaven.
Or this man is a budo’ Tian’. Kill this’ Tian’ and he will become a new’ Tian’
With this excitement, he walked step by step towards the man in white.
The white man didn’t seem to look at him, but looked at the beautiful cherry blossoms in the courtyard and whispered, "How beautiful!"
At the time of this sentence, Taifu Baidisan had pulled out his Tatsu Yamashiro, who had been full of blood.
Japanese swordsmanship is faster and more ruthless, and a thousand people chop hundreds of places, which makes SanTaiFu realize the stunt of "God chop".
In the past, Tianfeng Shiro’s "one knife in the wind" helped Fusang alone, but Baidi Santaifu was confident that this "god chop" was still "one knife in the wind"
It’s as if a simple knife-wielding doctor would completely condense his energy in this knife.
This is not a simple combination of man and knife, but a sublimation of spirit.
It’s not his own strength anymore, but he screams and screams with several murders
It is said that a tiger eating a person will turn that person’s ghost into a ghost, which is the origin of the tiger.

"This matter is even close" while too fighting to teach ancestors.

Tai Yi’s ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu. "What do you think of Miao Xiu?"
Jade Duxiu gently sighed, "The Samadhi True Fire Technique was given to my younger sister by my brother, but the ten thousand fire flags were given by my younger brother. All the causes and consequences are borne by my younger brother alone. My younger sister has been suppressed by her younger brother in the mountainside a few days ago, and all the consequences are borne by her younger brother. If it weren’t for the three flavors of the fire flag, such a disaster would not have happened."
Chapter 54 Spend five bodies to seal the gods.
Jade Duxiu’s words fell silent in the hall.
After a while, I listened to the ancestor Tai Yi Jiao, saying, "It’s not your fault, and you have to bear the consequences. If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that all the monks, causes and consequences of our disciples who died at our hands will be blessed by us?"
It seems that there are several days in the eyes of the dull pronunciation of Taiyi Jiaozu dialect.
Grandfather looked at Jade Duxiu "Miaoxiu, if you handle this matter? The flag of fire came from your hands, and you can’t get away with it. "
Jade Duxiu devoting herself to a ceremony to "recognize punishment by my brother"
"Forget it. Now, in the domain, such a big event is not good. We’ll talk about it afterwards." Tai Su’s godfather’s eyes flashed.
"Good words are true. Nowadays, the deification is that everything has to be postponed. The deification list needs Miao Xiu to preside over it. What if Miao Xiu is punished for presiding over the deification?" Tai yuan jiao zu Dao
"I’m willing to share my worries for all my ancestors" while Taoist Dragon and Tiger took a step forward with a flash of eyes.
Breathe thick momentum toward the dragon and tiger road flyover oppression and go to the dragon and tiger road flyover is a soft plop a collapsed to the ground.
"With you, you are far from hosting the list of gods."
Looking at the collapsed road flyover Dragon and Tiger, it’s too easy for our ancestors to flash across a disdainful look.
"Now dozens of younger brothers are stunned, but they can’t be disposed of. Otherwise, in the future, this precedent will be difficult to control."
Hearing this, everyone is looking at Yu Duxiu. "Miaoxiu, everything in this domain is presided over by you. Tell me about a charter."
Yu Duxiu was a little silent when he heard this, and then he said, "My brother has suppressed the forgotten dust at the bottom of the mountain. My brother has a magical power that can emit all the thunder. This thunder is the punishment of heaven and earth. Why don’t you let the forgotten dust suffer from the thunder day and night until the merits are completely redeemed?"
Such as?
The ancestors looked at each other in the heart, but they were secretly cursing, "You are so slick. You have suppressed the forgotten dust at the bottom of the mountain and have been punished. If we are talking about the disposal method, wouldn’t it be stingy for me?"
"Let’s just say that everything in this domain is presided over by you. You still need to take a regulation yourself. We are waiting for the overall situation. Everything in this domain depends on you." It’s too easy to teach the ancestors.
Tai Yi’s ancestor set the tone for this matter while Taiping’s ancestor looked at Muqingzhu, the Taoist priest of Dragon and Tiger, and said, "You two praise and retire, and there are still things to discuss with you."
Mu Qingzhu showed a respectful ceremony. The Taoist Dragon and Tiger got up and bowed in a hurry, but his eyes were full of reluctance. But even if he was unwilling, he could speak like a pawn in front of his ancestor, who was a worm.
"Miao Xiu, now that heaven and earth are changing, the deity in the domain has been involved in the cause and effect, karma. This deity is a combination of heaven and earth, and now that heaven and earth are shaking, this deity still needs to be grasped. We should also push the demon god behind us. We also realize that the changes of heaven and earth have been active recently, and this deity should not be delayed."
"Does Godfather mean to end the worship as soon as possible?" Jade Duxiu moved in his heart.
"Yes, I’m waiting for nine grandfathers to push behind, and I’m going to speed up the process of sealing gods. It’s time to tell the secret of sealing gods to the sky in the era of real sealing gods".
"The godfather said it was a physical deity?" Yudu avenue
"Yes, the physical deity can be physically deified. There are so many monks who can constantly cut off their opponents if they want to be physically deified. The real physical deity belongs to the strongest".
Jade Duxiu nodded. "I obeyed, so I went to Zhongyu to preside over the deity and speed up the deity process. Sitting in Zhongyu doesn’t call that monster beast a chance."
SIRS ancestor qi qi nodded for a moment, but they saw a series of symbols rising into the sky and scattered all over Terran Kyushu.
Thick and more decadent qi machine committed suicide and rose to the sky, breaking the virtual mountains and rivers, collapsing and flowing backwards.
Those more ancient antiques heard that the body was sealed by gods, and finally they could not sit still and committed suicide, and they broke the seals one after another.
For those ancient tremor stars, the soul can’t be seen. Although the soul has eternal life, but without the flesh, the combat power of these old guys will be greatly reduced. At this time, I got the godfather’s law and heard that the flesh can seal the gods. Suddenly, I couldn’t sit still, and the time went up one by one, crossing the river in vain and heading for the middle domain.
Feel that thick makes the virtual thriller move in the heart. "This middle domain is really tragic. These old guys will get this physical deity after clearing the field. It must be wantonly killing and cutting off all the gods that may threaten them. In the middle domain, a more tragic deity war is coming."
"You are presided over by our operator’s edict to Zhongyu. If there are any variables, although it is obliterated," Tai Yi’s ancestor’s eyes flashed with a biting bite.
"Yes, brother" Jade Duxiu respectful way
Seeing the ancestors didn’t mean to talk, Jade Duxiu slowly withdrew from the hall and looked at the disaster when it was as good as the Tianhe River flowing backwards. Jade Duxiu’s eyebrows suddenly moved and the black lotus jumped up. At this time, a lotus fragrance spread all over the nine days and ten places, and the disaster disappeared.
"Flower Five" Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with a smile. I didn’t expect those real old guys to do their best after they came out, but they were ten million times as good as their own disaster resources, which stimulated carefree evolution.
Zhong Yu Tai Ping Zhang teaches to look at the operator’s letter in his hand and flash across a bit of ecstasy. "If the physical deity is actually the physical deity, wouldn’t you get a statue if you can kill all the monks on this day? It seems that you have to find a way to kill more monks."
The palm coach wears a crown, and a bead in the crown shines with all purple light. The three thousand dusts in his arms gently shake and protect his whole body. Even if the world is full of Shaqi, it is hard to attack the palm coach’s mind with all purple light.

few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs.
“Red jade is a blessing!”
Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the “universal clock of heaven and earth”.
As soon as the news passed, Fang Yun was about to collect another piece of medicinal materials. All of a sudden, in front of me, this piece of “Red Jade and Fuze” disappeared.
Fang Yun dazed: “This …”
The front is empty, but there is a silver-haired man in front of him. His look is indifferent and his eyes are like starry sky. There are countless stars in it, which are born and died. Just a look, it seems that people’s souls will be sucked in. And his hand, is holding the Fang Yun just to collect “red jade Fuze”.
“Unexpectedly, someone like me, look at these strains of red jade. Little friend, come out. ”
Silver-haired man looking down at the front, a void. It was empty, but the man’s eyes seemed to have penetrated all the secrets and saw the tiny dust in the depths of space.
Fang Yun mind trembling, the silver-haired man didn’t how powerful momentum, but give the feeling of Fang Yun, but extremely dangerous. With his current strength, he can still feel threatened. This kind of person, for absolute reached, ghosts and gods unpredictable terrible realm.
A strong breath, cold as snow, locked in the space. Fujiki evil gentleman uses the magical power of “the best size” to change the dust. Fang Yun immediately know, he see is broken.
Void vibration, a grain of dust fiercely Yishan, suddenly stretched sharply, blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of evil Fujiki Jun, standing on the earth.

Chapter 664 The first person in Daomen
“Who are you?”
Rattan wood evil gentleman feet don’t touch the ground, gently floating, back several zhangs. After a distance, I looked at the silver-haired man in front of me This man makes him feel too dangerous, so it’s better to stay away.
“Xuan Xuan.” Silver-haired man indifferent blinked, calm way.
Fang Yun was shocked, and could hardly believe his ears. It’s him! Fang Yun didn’t expect to go to Junnian’s master here.
The first master of Taisu School, Yu Xuan. This name is well-known in the sectarian world. Fang Yun also found out that Yu Xuan was the master of Junnian. But this one never went down the mountain, so Fang Yun never saw him.
Fang Yun didn’t expect, would be in a place like this, see the first master YuXuan.
“Turns out to be danger elders, surprisingly, the elders, like me, are interested in these few strains of red grass. A gentleman doesn’t steal people’s love, since Elder Yu also takes a fancy to it. I naturally dare not worry about the elders. ”
Fang Yun didn’t discover the identity of “Red Jade and Fuze”, only that it was a red grass. He bowed his hand and flew upside down, then he wanted to leave: “Elder Yu, I have work to do next. Don’t bother, leave! “